180 Riverside Dr. East, Drumheller, AB
Riverside Medical is not accepting new patients at this time, but we do have a waitlist available. Please call the clinic at 403-823-5000 to be placed on the waitlist.
Yes. Unless Dr. Ram is out of town, we offer same day appointments after 9:00 a.m. Monday to Friday.
Of course! We understand that patients want to ensure that a physician is a good fit for their goals and values. Booking a meet and greet appointment is a reasonable request and strongly encouraged. This will also provide us with an opportunity to relay our practice philosophies and introduce you to our outstanding staff.
As noted at, in this vision, every family practice across Canada offers the medical care that Canadians wants: seamless care that is centered on individual patients’ needs, within their community, throughout every stage of life, and integrated with other health services.